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MRSA, Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus

"MRSA is an acronym for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (and is sometimes referred to as MERSA), and it is an antibiotic resistant Superbug bacteria that grows in clusters, multiplies very rapidly and can cause many different kinds of infection, ranging from simple skin infections (boils, furuncles) to septicemia (infection of the bloodstream) and toxic shock syndrome, and is spreading rapidly in the United States and worldwide."

"Studies approximate that 30-50 % of the population carry colonies of Staphylococcus aureus on their bodies all of the time. Those most susceptible to becoming sick from it are children, the elderly and others with reduced immune system function from diseases such as diabetes and HIV. MRSA used to be a bacteria that was only found in hospital settings HA-MRSA), but in recent years, MRSA has attacked healthy people who have contracted it within their communities (CA-MRSA). MRSA grows very rapidly in warm, moist areas, and is often seen in athletes and gyms."

From MRSA Resources


The National Athletic Trainers Association has made the following recommendations:

  1. Keep hands clean by washing thoroughly with soap and warm water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer routinely.
  2. Encourage immediate showering following activity.
  3. Avoid whirlpools or common tubs when an athlete has open wounds, scrapes, or scratches.
  4. Avoid sharing of towels, razors, or daily athletic gear.
  5. Properly wash athletic gear and towels after each use.
  6. Maintain clean facilities and equipment.
  7. Refer to appropriate health care personnel all active skin lesions and lesions that do not respond to initial therapy.
  8. Administer or seek proper first aid.
  9. Encourage health care personnel to seek bacterial cultures to establish a diagnosis.
  10. Care for and cover skin lesions appropriately before participation.

For more information (information sheets and athletic posters) from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) on MRSA see:


Here is the NCAA's page on MRSA:

Infection Control Prevention Recommendations

Here are some great posters from Training and
Wound Care
Training Room
Parent Tips
Equipment Management
Safe Facilities
Locker Room
Warning Signs
Hand Hygiene

For a pdf of the Injury Prevention Guide, Click Here