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If there was a way to uncover your hidden weaknesses, improve your performance, AND prevent injury in just 15 minutes, would you be interested?

How Well Do You Move?

The best athlete is not necessarily the strongest or most flexible athlete. The best athlete is the one that moves the most efficiently and has the right balance of strength, power, balance, and flexibility. Think of the world’s greatest athletes like Michael Jordan, Muhammed Ali, Cristiano Ronaldo, Reggie Bush…. are they the strongest or most flexible? No, they move the best.

Movement is not just muscles moving bones. Movement involves an exchange of information between the brain, spinal cord, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Assessment of how well this information exchange works is the key to improved performance and injury prevention.

Everything we do at the Indianapolis Colts is built on a Functional Movement Screen base—it's the foundation of our program. Jon Torine, Strength and Conditioning Coach, Indianapolis Colts

The Functional Movement Screen (FMS)

The Functional Movement Screen is a screening process that identifies injury risk by exposing dangerous movement patterns in people of all ages. These poor movement patterns are caused by muscle strength and flexibility limitations and asymmetries (right/left, front to back, and top to bottom imbalances). These imbalances in turn can cause compensatory changes in multiple areas of the body resulting in "energy leakage" and increase the potential for injury.

Identification and correction of these imbalances is the first line of defense in injury prevention. For example, you may have very flexible hamstrings (rear thigh), but very tight quadriceps (front thigh). Or, you may have developed very strong pectoral muscles, but have very weak (and tight) upper back muscles. If these problems are not corrected, greater imbalances will ultimately be developed and injury will most likely occur.

The FMS "brings symmetry back to a full range of motion."
Lineback Coy Wire, Atlanta Falcons
Read more about how the Falcons use the FMS by clicking here!

Is Your Body Ready To Train?

The body should be free of restrictions and free of imbalances PRIOR to training, fitness, and sports competition! “Conventional training can actually stack dysfunction on your fitness, cementing poor movement patterns and leaving you open to injury.” These restrictions, imbalances, and poor movement patterns "drastically distort motor learning, movement perception, body awareness, and mechanics. They rob the body of efficiency and are very often hidden by those individuals who learn to compensate and substitute with other movement patterns." From

So Let’s Get Started

At Capital Sports Injury Center, Dr. Steven Horwitz performs the Functional Movement Screen on our patients and exercise clients. For our patients it is a wonderful indicator that being pain free is not necessarily being fully functional. Most injuries are due to long term movement pattern dysfunction that must be corrected so the injury does not recur.

For our exercise clients, the FMS establishes a starting point and allows us to identify and resolve your poor movement patterns BEFORE injury occurs. It is also a way to measure and establish a record of progress.

Call Capital Sports Injury Center today and schedule your Functional Movement Screen in our Silver Spring or Georgetown offices.

September 8, 2007
"Dear Dr. Horwitz,

I just wanted to drop you a note letting you know how much I appreciate your help and advice. The excercises that you prescribed contibuted significantly to the recovery from my sciatica and hip pain, and gives me hope for avoiding the worst of the pain in the long term.

The aspect of the excercises that I particularly appreciate is that they seemed tailored to my specific problem. I can feel the benefits of the excercise as I do them and they seem to have an accumulative beneficial effect on me. Both the excercises and the corrections to my posture have made a significant improvement in my health and well-being.

Thanks again.
Another Happy Patient


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