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PMS is a private agony for many women. It is identified by the scientific community as a major clinical problem and it's etiology remains elusive. Common symptoms are: mood swings, breast tenderness, fluid retention, binge eating especially on sweets, salt and chocolate, insomnia, depression, fatigue, irritability, headache, skin acne, constipation, and many others. The hallmark of PMS is it's menstrually related cyclic occurrence with symptoms reaching their peak intensity prior to the menstrual flow and resolving at or soon after the onset of menstruation.

In the United States, menstruating women 18 years old and over have a 60 to 95 percent prevalence of PMS with approximately 10 to 15 percent suffering severe or debilitating symptoms. It has been estimated that PMS affects 5 million women and that at least $30 billion has been lost in total wages. Apart from the social and work related problems, suicide and criminal behavior can also occur. In Great Britain a woman was acquitted in 1985 of murdering her husband by pleading temporary insanity due to her PMS. In the 19th century a 30 proof elixir was sold as a solution to "female complaints." Since then many methods of treatment have been tried but none have been universally effective.

The most common and current therapies involve drugs, which often have undesirable side effects, or supplements which have a limited effectiveness. Research has shown that chiropractic treatments in conjunction with proper diet and regular aerobic exercise provide maximum relief of many PMS symptoms with no undesirable side effects. If you have any questions, call us! We would be happy to fill you in on the details (references available).

Nutrition and PMS

(from Presmenstrual Syndrome: The Role of Nutrition, Supplementation and Chiropractic in PMS Management by James Meschino, D.C. Dynamic Chiropractic May 6, 2002)

  1. Low fat, high fiber diet. Eat less animal fat and more grain fiber (wheat bran and psyllium) and vegetables (especially cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussel sprouts).
  2. Black cohosh contains triterpene or saponin compounds that serve as natural building blaocks of progesterone synthesis.
    Dosage: 40-80mg BID (2.5% triterpene content)
  3. Casteberry: 175-225mg (0.5% agnuside content).
  4. B50 complex
  5. Magnesium: 300-400mg
  6. Vitamin E: 400I.U.- mixed tocopherols
  7. Calcium: 1200mg
  8. Manganese: no greater than 6mg/day
  9. Evening primrose oil: (gamma linolenic acid)
  10. Multi-vitamin and mineral complex supplement
  11. Aerobic exercise 3-6 times per week for 20-45 minutes per session
  12. Chiropractic adjustments and soft-tissue treatment